Monday, April 14, 2008

See us at the Garner Chamber of Commerce Expo

We will be setting up a booth at the annual Garner Chamber of Commerce Expo at the Garner United Methodist Church, April 24th from 11 am -6 pm. off Hwy 70 off the Vandora Springs exit to the right..

This annual event in Garner is put on to help let the community know and meet some of the local Garner Chamber of Commerce members.

Absolute Best Carpet Care will be in booth 80 beside the Cold Stone Creamery ice cream guys.. We will be giving out info on carpet cleaning, tile & grout cleaning, and how to you deal with allergies in the home.. this Free Report is available in our booth. We will also be registering patrons for a carpet or tile cleaning job at no charge.

Will be have magnetic card, free bottles of our Professional Carpet Spotter "POOF" to give away as well..

Stop by to see us Garner United Methodist Church on Vandora Spring Rd, behind Tom Jones Drugs. The events starts at 12Pm and run till 9 pm on thur april 24th.. THere will be good food on site along with lots of good info on local businesses and how they can help you.

see you at the expo.

Carl Newton
Absolute Best Carpet Care,
Garner NC

PS: admission if Free to public.

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