Friday, February 26, 2010

SNOW, SNOW, and More Snow..

WOW.... what a winter it has been so far. Seems like every time we turn around it snowing or going to snow.

Snow is great for kids.. they go out and play, roll around and bring the snow along with some dirt back in the house.. Plus with the house being closed up for the whole winter the carpet is working overtime to help filter the dust and pollution out of the air..

Spring is close and we look forward to helping you clean the air in your home.. A good hot water extraction carpet cleaning will remove the dirt and grime of a hard cold winter.

be sure to call and book a time for us to come by your home today.

Carl Newton Owner
Absolute Best Carpet Care

Garner, Raleigh, Clayton NC

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Another year has come and we look forward to seeing what it brings.. recently snow was the big news in our area.. schools are closed for day 3 due to road not being scraped by DOT. In years past you would see a couple snow plows every day. this year i have seen a total of 3 in the past 4 days and the subdivision roads are still in bad shape prompting the closing of schools for another day.

Oh well, that another thing to deal with and trying to work cleaning carpet and chimney in this stuff is a bear.. I was not able to get out on monday due to slick roads and the lack of salt/sand at a couple places that you have to stop on a hill before going onto the main road.

next couple of days are going to be wild as we are trying to catch up and keep up with the flow...

with school closed and the weather bad a lot of kids are going to be kooped up inside and ready to get out to play.. sunday and monday were good play in the snow days for sure.. bringing in lots of wet and dirty boots.

carpet cleaning will no doubt pickup soon as the weather will be getting nicer soon enough.

have a good one.